This site provides all the necessary information that you may need to prepare for's Platform Developer I and Salesforce Administrator Certification exams. It has a detailed tutorial covering all the topics of both exams. Besides a comprehensive mock exam, the site has FAQ on Certification and links to Reference guides so a user can take some idea about the preparation. If you find any problems in the tutorials or the mock exams, please let us know at the ContactUS Form. and all related terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of Salesforce, Inc. in the US and other countries.
FAQ gives more information about Platform Developer I and Salesforce Administrator exam. It is related to the basic questions that you should know before you give the exam. For Example:-
Platform Developer I and Salesforce Administrator Certification have similar course contents. But there are some high level differences that you should know: chapter includes the concepts, terminology, and technology components of the platform. This chapter introduces the concepts, terminology, and technology components of the platform and its context in the broader Platform as a Service (PaaS) landscape. The goal is to provide context for exploring within a corporate software development organization.
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